
Showing posts from 2010

HNY 2011.jpg

wishes you Happy Sparkling New Year 2011
The world can not end in 2012 because my medicine expire in 2013.. O_o
What's wrong with people??? 2 days of rain do not make it a "bheega bheega december".. Instead it should be "flu fever sore throat december" :/
Home - Daughtry :(
Nobody wished me a happy birthday today :( ,which isn't surprising really; since it isn't my birthday.
had a super busy day today converting oxygen into carbon dioxide.

Lady Antebellum

If you love, you have to be free, and let others be free.
Life is not a dream, but the struggle to fulfill one’s dreams.
is listening to Everybody by Ingrid Michaelson
My latest obsession -> Avast Antivirus 2011 :)
Panadol (Paracetamol, Pseudoephedrine)...Manufactured by Pharmatic Pakistan (Pvt) Ltd. under agreement with GlaxoSmithKline Pakistan Ltd... :/
On my way to Chappar Continental (CC) Hotel!!!
wow...the end of exams, "incoming" holidays......and I can't sleep all night, shivering in a warm room, under the blanket...and now sitting like an owl, unfocused and mindlessly on my bed at 6 am...GR8! :(

for "the most peaceful and innocent person of the hostel" and that's MEEE!!!

just got the shield for "the most peaceful and innocent person of the hostel"

Hostel Golden Night

It takes one moment to boost u uP...but then it also takes just 2 seconds to bring u down.....
Y they don't make a mobile that shud look EXACTLY like a calculator?? :(
A life with love will have some thorns, but a life without love will have no roses..

Saad(persian) -> Felix(latin)



We must learn how to say sorry to someone without saying the actual word "sorry"...

1C, 121


Did you ever think

Did u ever think..maybe life closed that door because it knew u were worth more than u were settling for?
I made my mistakes..I’ve got no where to run..The night goes on..As I’m fading away..I’m sick of this life..I just wanna scream..How could this happen to me - UNTITLED by SIMPLE PLAN
tell me something I don't know
tip: The best way to attend the call is to "press" the "green" button when it comes!!! everyone who is tooo lazy to...hufh
There should be signal jammers in mosques...
I think about the years I spent just passing through...

Pots :)

capEtal......yeah RITE...CDA if u r watchng :/
"I always knew looking back on the tears would make me laugh. But I never knew looking back on the laughs would make me cry."


"I always knew looking back on the tears would make me laugh. But I never knew looking back on the laughs would make me cry."
"I’m Torn Between The Moon And The Sun."

dark times

"Those were dark times. I feel regret of not utilizing those times in a better manner. But in a sense, I now know how does it feel to be different from the person standing in front of you. It feels good. And I feel kind of relief like I'm out of a dark cellar or something like that."

I was enchanted to meet you...

"People think they know me, but they don't. Not really. Actually, I am one of the loneliest people on this earth. I cry sometimes, because it hurts. It does. To be honest, I guess you could say that it hurts to be me." - Michael Jackson


"People think they know me, but they don't. Not really. Actually, I am one of the loneliest people on this earth. I cry sometimes, because it hurts. It does. To be honest, I guess you could say that it hurts to be me." - Michael Jackson

Idk y I did this :s




In the End

...and in the end, you are all by yourself. Alone, being haunted everyday and every single night. Your eyes raining on the slightest of things, your heart so broken as like never before. Every time you think okay pain can't be bigger than this but then comes a moment in your day when you become aware that although its composed of just 4 words, it has no limits. Pain, knows no boundary...


Beatriz Elizabeth Diaz!!!!!! I'm sick of you popping under "People you may know"..I don't know you and I don't WANT to!!!!! So get the hellll out of my fb homepage!!!!!

Thanks for Always Being There

how much more 2010? Don't you think you have done too much already?


Sometimes you just need someone to be with you. You don't want to tell them what's wrong. But just the feeling of having someone you know who cares is a blessing and it lessens your pain. But when that someone says this to you, "we are not close as before", then you wish for the D angel to come early for you. 2010 you already are a mind-boggling year for me, please don't make it worse than it already is.

3 Intriguing WHYs

Why isn't there any liquid, any substance to put out the fire that burns your insides? Why isn't there any way to mute your soul that constantly screams at you all day long? Why isn't there any way to kill yourself without being killed?
Why isn't there any way to kill yourself without being killed? :s

Real -> Effect(ed)



Sometimes I can hear the sound of my soul screaming inside me.....happening most often nowadays. It's a new experience, thanks to 2010.
It's good to know some things never change...
¤سلام‎ یاحسین‎¤

i lov rain (bckgrnd of my PC browser)


A place in this world

"...I'll be strong, I'll be wrong, oh but life goes on..."
"...I'm alone, on my own, and that's all i know...and tomorrow's just a mystery, oh yeah, but that's okay..."
"Live like there's no tomorrow, Love like it's all that we know, Believe in what we feel inside, Believe in it and it'll never die. So never let this life pass us by. Live like there's no tomorrow."

Calligrapher: Me


Hostel Part III


My Mobi_Journey

“No battle in the modern and past history of mankind has earned more sympathy and admiration as well as provided more lessons than the martyrdom of Husayn (A.S.) in the battle of Karbala.” - Antoine Bara
"To me, death is nothing but happiness and living under tyrants nothing but living in a hell." - Imam Hussain (A.S.)
“The best lesson which we get from the tragedy of Cerebella is that Husain (A.S.) and his companions were rigid believers in God. They illustrated that the numerical superiority does not count when it comes to the truth and the falsehood. The victory of Husain (A.S.), despite his minority, marvels me!” - Thomas Carlyle
“Imam Hussain’s (A.S.) sacrifice is for all groups and communities, an example of the path of rightousness.” - Jawaharlal Nehru

I lov flowers of any kind

Its 3:15 am
And here I'm, all alone, fighting with tissues

From me to me

Don't feel ashamed...after all that's what you are, a breathing human, a boy.
My tired heart is beating so...slow - Little House (Amanda Sayfried)
Max Pain
If raindrops were tears, and it rained every day, The rain couldn't wash my heartache away...
is busy talking to himself......*loudly
@numl_guards I wish I could make u all stand in a line, point the old Thompson sub-machine gun at u.......and then BLOW ur ____ off !!!!!!!!!!
There are somethings you just can't change...

then and now





'One minute I held the key, Next the walls were closed on me, And I discovered that my castles stand, Upon pillars of salt and pillars of sand' ... 'Who would ever want to be king?' - Viva La Vida (Coldplay)
If u could u would :s
First sign of madness... Waking up on Nokia N73 alarm tone and then tapping on the screen to turn off the alarm when its not even a touch screen phone..and then wondering why the hell its not turning off O_o ??? Miss you N73!!!!!!!!!
When was the last time you did something for the first time?
And as my heart recalls the joys, my eyes recall the tears :(
Ich fühle mich so einsam :(
"The pain of having a broken heart is not so much as to kill you, yet not so little as to let you live."
from me to me: you deserve(d) it (?)
is halfway through a mindless journey...
Hiding ur own saying in commas is a good way to trick people into believing that someone else said it...
"No matter how much I pretend that I don't miss you, I can't change the fact that I do every second, every minute, every hour..." - Unknown
is lying in a bed, staring blankly at the dimly lit wall...
I really don't like someone comparing me to "anybody" or "everybody"...
Hmm.... 2 days ago I registered to (a social networking site).. They asked me to upload my photo and I clicked "Later".. Just now they sent me this email: "A promise is a promise You promised us yesterday that you would upload a photo today. Please don't make us beg." ...
wants to blow this world into novemdecillion pieces!!!!!!
whoever said that money can't buy happiness didn't know where to shop :-/
When something happens 2 u for the 1st time: maybe I deserved it.. 2nd: y its happening to me?.. 3rd: that's not fair.. 4th: maybe I'm damned.. and it keeps on happening no matter what.
I let the hot tears flow to let myself know, that I'm (still) alive... *blessing of winter
almost forgot that feeling u get when ur mobile drops on concrete till...
sometimes you are with your friends, are talking and smiling and seem to be enjoying...but very little they know how lonely you actually feeling at that time...
I could fill a thousand pages telling you how I felt and still you would not understand. So now I leave without a sound, except that of my heart shattering as it hits the ground...
NO one should be allowed to watch tv, play games, use fb, watch movies etc. When I'm studying, EVERYONE should be studying :(
Sometimes I update my status using digits because I forget to turn ON the T9 dictionary - *weird
Rite now I wish I can have a LOT of empty glass bottles and ALL the time in the world to break em..
407845507433**02083270383790662304602094453 - 8783078679
@someone... "some" promises are meant to be broken :( but that does NOT mean that all the other are/were false...
My shampoo's color was black but after applying on hair, it turned into white... *magic...
My dog wants a wife so he howls now at nites.....
Some people don't value their friends...and recognize it only when they r gone, and when its too late..
Serious threat to NUML...evening OFF...friday, saturday OFF...
OMG!!! CNET just listed my phone as one of the top-20 highest radiation emitting cell phones.
4 horror-dreams in a single nite :(
We, were never meant to be we just happen
the word 'happy' would lose its meaning if it were not balanced by sadness...
Its sad how one lie destroys a thousand truths...
Its sad how one lie destroys a thousand truths...
Someone always hack my prayers which I send to God...hufh
Tell your heart that the fear of suffering is worse than the suffering itself. And no heart has ever suffered when it goes in search of its dream.
"Don't bend, don't break, baby, don't back down".......i wish it cud be easier Bon Jovi
I just want to live while I'm alive...
How does it feel when u think that someone got away with ur cell phone but in the morning u find out that actually you dog chewed it off??? Ask my dad
Goodbye Fb,Twitter......(all notifications disabled)
I can but I can't, you won't but you did
There's a reason for evrything that's happening, but the sad truth is, Some reasons aren't reasonable enough to be a justified cause.
All of you "those" out there, I envy grateful. (sorry, no comments)
can't stand it any longer, can't take it anymore
life is confusing
The greater your capacity to love, the greater your capacity to feel the pain.
Night.Horror Movie.Alone.And my dog howling outside.PERFECT!
Eid Mubarak :)
draining the battery... -» good for cell's health.
Facebook E-Mail Service Expected Monday
There are no losers. Only winners, and the people who aren't them.
Its My Life!!!!!!!! Bon Jooooviiii!
King! Byte! Here I come! :D
caught up in the crossfire of heaven and hell...
I want someone to love me, for who I am - Nick Jonas
My friend's msg: "wah da hell man............ y u nt allowing to comment..............???"
Music is my LifeLine
miley y u sang this song? :(
Sometimes the night was beautiful, Sometimes the sky was so far away, Sometimes the morning came too soon...
hmmmm i should be more careful in my status updates now....i loved that line from "Greenzone" -> "people are watching"....el oh el...
is in LDL
stuDYING :(
JB, SG & The Scene, Eminem, Paramore
I feel sorry and regret for everytime i hurt you...
Many people cry without shedding tears. •--- ••- •-•• -•--|•---- ---•• --••--|••--- ----- •---- -----|•- -• -••|-• --- •--|••|•- --|•••• •- ••- -• - • -••
Linux Shell Scripting! That's what's on my mind... :|
I'm missing you so much, Can't help it I'm in Love, A day without you is like a year without rain...
sometimes we ask "why it happened to me", but later on we realize that it was necessary for our personal growth...
Hello November! Good to see u finally! :) GoodBYE October! You really weren't nice to me :(
"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times"...
just got 512 GB online storage......for FREEEEE!!!!
My life would suck without you...kelly kelly kelly
yet another sad night...
Taylor Swift, why you wrote about me? :( . Enchanted . Haunted . Long Live . The Story of Us .
listening to Taylor's "Speak Now deluxe ed."....lovvving it!
Sometimes u wish u could go some minutes back and undo what u did....but u just can't.
Its sad, when u r starving, and u buy two burgers, and then without even having a chance to eat it, ur eyes open and u come to know that it was a dream.....happened to me :( MY BURGERS!!!!!
Goodbye 20102010 !!!
You don't know, what you don't know - Mean, Taylor Swift
want to see someone in ur dreams?? try to forget them,ignore them, and they will pop right into ur dreamworld...
that was cruel
There was a time when blackberry and apple were just fruits....
There was a time when blackberry and apple were just fruits....
When I look at you, my mind goes on a trip...
Sometimes a person's love for someone is so powerful that the other person can't help but loving him/her back.
There are times when u feel completely lost,nothingness...And then there are times when u feel u have 'everything' which ever meant for u...But, there are times when u feel u have everything, but something is missing...
listening to tick......tick......tick of wall clock.
listening to tick......tick......tick of wall clock.
Thank You Allah for saving us! My whole world shook in my dream i was of the worst earth quake..
Loving Taylor Swift's latest single, SPEAK NOW :)
Por amarte Marisol, moriría
Love is when you stare at someone's eyes and found flaws there, but still not wanting to look away ...
sorry october, i forgot to tell u "be nice to me" :( more plz...
I will hate the words "last night" for the rest of my life...
I feel like I'm, a 333034312E3035 miles away, from myself, more and more these days. - HM
missing september :(
Dying seems less sad than having lived too little.
"Dear Maths Students,Please don't try to find us, we owe your teacher money.Sincerely,X and Y."
Ever has it been that love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation. - Khalil Jibran
I dropped a tear in the ocean. The day you find it is the day i will stop missing you.
Discussing with my roomate the possibilities, what if human conscience can be saved on a hard disk? Immortality
Appreciate the apostrophe, salute the semicolon, exalt the exclamation point! Happy National Punctuation Day!
I'm Breathing in, Breathing out ...
Thats it Linkin Park....I am officialy your fan now!!!
woah...A Year Without Rain...loved it aaall! so hard to pick a fav. 1 frm it...
True love is all about sacrifices. Sometimes, it even requires you to leave for the other person's own happiness. The only question is, are you ready?
i hate the word 'false hopes" :(
Twitter ON, Study OFF. Twitter OFF, Study OFF.
just finished making backup of 3350 msgs from my cell. Get Well Soon My Dear N73!!!!
For The First Time - The Script.........finally the song of the week for me.gr8
nowplaying Teenage Dream - Katy Perry
If something happens, don't think about it too much...It will only make it worse...BE COOL!
When you hear a song that fits your current life situation, you listen to it 24/7. DamnItsTrue
hate numl
is starving
Don't dreaming too much because when reality is different with ur dream, you'll get hurt.
Memories are what warm you up from the inside. But they're also what tear you apart.
the story of love is hello and goodbye. I wish there was also a song having a title "Hello"
cing cing you cing xin ce se ni de ru yin. se ni tou se ni. hai siang sin cai pu i ting, u i ting da ke ying :)
Sometimes the things we can't change end up changing us.
Everything is Kang Fu
When you break up, your whole identity is shattered. It’s like death...
"There is a thin line that separates laughter and pain, comedy and tragedy, humor and hurt."
"I don't have nothing to regret at all in the past, except that I might've unintentionally hurt somebody else or something." - Jimi Hendrex
Can we pretend that airplanes In the night sky Are like shooting stars I could really use a wish now
"Would a bullet through my temple actually kill me or just leave a really big mess for me to cleanup?" - TTS, Eclipse
I hope 'Google Me' kill facebook...
There are things in life that catch ur eye,, then there are things that catch ur heart::: Pursue Those!
Most people will say that "Unthinkable" is anti-islamic. I will say its anti-islamic AND anti-american (govt,military etc ).
Uuugggghhh dial up is killing me....slowly!!! How did I survive before high speed Internet!?!
my very first meme !!!
Words are like bullets: when well aimed, they have a pretty hard effect.

My very first Blog Post

well.....hi just changed my profile pic