
Showing posts from September, 2010
Dying seems less sad than having lived too little.
"Dear Maths Students,Please don't try to find us, we owe your teacher money.Sincerely,X and Y."
Ever has it been that love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation. - Khalil Jibran
I dropped a tear in the ocean. The day you find it is the day i will stop missing you.
Discussing with my roomate the possibilities, what if human conscience can be saved on a hard disk? Immortality
Appreciate the apostrophe, salute the semicolon, exalt the exclamation point! Happy National Punctuation Day!
I'm Breathing in, Breathing out ...
Thats it Linkin Park....I am officialy your fan now!!!
woah...A Year Without Rain...loved it aaall! so hard to pick a fav. 1 frm it...
True love is all about sacrifices. Sometimes, it even requires you to leave for the other person's own happiness. The only question is, are you ready?
i hate the word 'false hopes" :(
Twitter ON, Study OFF. Twitter OFF, Study OFF.
just finished making backup of 3350 msgs from my cell. Get Well Soon My Dear N73!!!!
For The First Time - The Script.........finally the song of the week for me.gr8
nowplaying Teenage Dream - Katy Perry
If something happens, don't think about it too much...It will only make it worse...BE COOL!
When you hear a song that fits your current life situation, you listen to it 24/7. DamnItsTrue
hate numl
is starving
Don't dreaming too much because when reality is different with ur dream, you'll get hurt.
Memories are what warm you up from the inside. But they're also what tear you apart.
the story of love is hello and goodbye. I wish there was also a song having a title "Hello"
cing cing you cing xin ce se ni de ru yin. se ni tou se ni. hai siang sin cai pu i ting, u i ting da ke ying :)