
Showing posts from April, 2011
Some people are only alive because it's illegal to kill them!! :@
"There comes a time when you have to choose between turning the page and closing the book." - Josh Jameson
56.410 PKR is added to your account by 923455**5367. Your new balance is 128.690 PKR and expiry date is 10-11-11... Yaaaay... Thank u stranger!!!!! :p *plz don't call :(
Am I still Me?
Just because my eyes do not show Tears, Doesn't mean my heart doesn't Cry & I don't get hurt. Just because I come out strong,Doesn't mean there is nothing wrong. Often I choose to pretend that I'm happy.......So I don't have to explain myself to people who'll never understand. "Smiling has always been easier than explaining Why I'm sad"
Once you lose someone, it's never exactly the same person who comes back.
The truth is, we are all a little damaged. Some of us just hide it better than others...
Alright then, let it be! It's between you and me now....
- .-44 _ 4+ ._9:
"You turned out to be different".... pierced right through my heart </3
is cutting spent blooms from the rose plants in the backyard!!! Just so u know, it is done to improve the appearance and shape of an existing rose bush and increase the number of future blooms :)
is cle'a] hi's ke]yb29oa;rd
U know what u shud do when ur fellow passenger (a stranger), very sweetly, buys a bottle of juice for u when u have already refused the offer and u don't even know from where he/she got it? Stuff it in somewhere without drinking it ;)
I'm gonna do this step-by-step, do it anyway...
Sometimes you just sit, stare and smile...with a sadness in your eyes...
It's tough when someone special begins to ignore you, but it's even tougher to pretend that you don't mind.
#*nowplaying... Amazing - Inna
But it's time to exorcise these demons.... I just can't keep living this way.... So starting today, I'm breaking out of this cage....
I'm not asleep and I'm not awake...
quantum computing is just around the corner!
There's a story behind every person. There's a reason why they're the way they are. They aren't just like that because they want to. Something in the past created them, and sometimes it's impossible to fix them.....but there is always hope.
‎"It's not very hard to sacrifice everything for someone, but it's hard to find that someone who deserves your sacrifice." And it's even harder when that "someone" happens to be me...
People Say They Love Rain; But When It Rains They Use Umbrella. People Say They Love Sun; But When It Shines They Search For The Shade. People Say They Love The Wind; But When It's Windy They Close Their Eyes & Shut All The Windows. That's Why I Get Scared When People Say That They Love Me...
is a boy with a story, but no one needs to hear. It’s not the way of missing trust, it’s a matter of fear... He takes one step back from you, can’t look you in the eyes. He doesn’t blame you for hating him, he just hates goodbyes...
"LOVE" Isn't Finding Someone You Can "Live With". It's Finding Someone You Can't "Live Without".
I may be far away from u but u r never far away from my thoughts, from my heart...WHY? I'm dying. I can hear my insides screaming at me. Why it had to be like this? Is it fair?
Tears can sometimes be more special than smiles...For smiles can be given to any one, but tears are only shed for the people we love...
We met in kindergarten. We were best friends. She always told me she loved my eyes. I didn't quite know why. I was in love with her, so of course my face lit up immensely whenever she said it. She was beautiful, kind, and extremely funny. ... We'd be talking about nothing, and she'd turn to me and whisper, "I like your eyes." One day, I was playing basketball, waiting for her to drive over to my house to have a game with me. Suddenly, I got a phone call. It was her mom. She was in a panic. I couldn't quite understand what she was saying. It sounded like, "Aaron, come quick! Kelsey, accident, Main Street! Blood. Come now!" I had no clue what happened, so I ran to Main Street with my basketball shorts and a tee shirt on. I saw Kelsey's mom helplessly crying, waiting for the ambulance to arrive. I saw a totaled car, blood everywhere. Then I saw her, Kelsey. I went to the hospital that night, the main source of blood coming from her head. Before I co
can’t find my shadow around..
You know my name but not my story.. You've heard what I've done but not what I've been through..
I had a dream... I smiled and recalled the memories we had ... then I noticed a tear fell from my eyes ...
You are a spark that came down my dark life and turned it all to light...
I wish I could just fall over and die, that I could just fall asleep and never wake up. Death would be peaceful and carefree.
The most critical moment in life..... when someone very special hurts u so deeply, causes tears in ur eyes. and asks, ”What Happened”? but u just reply, “NOTHING”.........
When you're gone, the pieces of my heart are missing you...
Loli, Laroush, Lolayi, Lalayi ... :)
In the library, alone, thinking about the word "trust". Is there any such thing in this world? I started to believe it, but then my belief was shaken by someone I trusted more than my life..
what do you do when the only person who can make you stop crying is the person who made you cry?
Sleepless night.. Ever listened to "You'll think of Me" by Keith Urban? Had only 4 hours anyways. Love this song, hate my current life..
Disturbing thoughts, disturbing dreams, disturbing night...
"Live Your Life Man" - Lalayi
So here I am, sitting in the balcony, rainy weather outside in the night, listening to the wind passing through trees, trembling slightly because of the cold, and not wanting to go back in the room... There is a thought on my mind, did I deserve that?