
Showing posts from September, 2011
Sometimes it's better to just quietly miss someone rather than to let them know and get no response..
It's amazing how some people just say a small little thing & it changes the way we feel about them instantly.
Most girls say they want a "good guy", but when they meet him they keep him in the friend zone, chase after jerks & end up heartbroken.
Sometimes, we seek love when all we really want is attention & we seek attention when all we really want is to be loved..
There's a good chance that you don't like me, but there's an even better chance that I don't care!
The more you hide your feelings, the more it shows. The more you deny your feelings, the more it grows..
Feelings that are kept, can drive one mad..
Feelings can be so overwhelming that it seems to overpower your heart at times..
The more you hide your feelings, the more it shows. The more you deny your feelings, the more it grows..
Ingredients of who I am today: people who leave me, people who support me, my past, my failures, my attitude.
Sometimes people don't change; you just never really knew who they were.
In life, you don't get the people you want, you get the people you need to teach you, to hurt you, to love you, to make you laugh, to make you exactly the person you should be..
People come in and out of your life, but the ones who were there at the best and worse times are the ones worth keeping around..
Some people are like snakes. When they move their mouth,u can’t tell for sure whether they're trying to smile at u or getting ready to bite u.
Having a sharp memory is great, but in some moments of life, the "ability to forget" is a lot better..
Fate is unpredictable & sometimes we dont know how blessed we are til things change.
Sometimes, the words said by the mouth are not the thoughts said by the heart.
I am my own experiment. I am my own work of art - Madonna
When you lose hope in a dream, sometimes all you're left with is sleepless nights..
"If you are happy, you'll remember the person whom you love. If you are sad, you'll remember the person who loves you."
Sometimes, it takes a really good fall to know where you stand.
Sometimes you just need to distance yourself from people. If they care, they’ll notice. If they don’t, you know where you stand.
Don't be too confident when someone tells you they like you. The real question is, until when? Because just like seasons, people change.
I've loved like I should and lived like I shouldn't and I had to lose everything to find out.
"What’s worse; not getting everything you wished for or getting it but finding out its not enough?" -One Tree Hill (TV)
The thing with pretending you’re in a good mood is that sometimes you can actually trick yourself into feeling better.
Sometimes I ask people questions because I want them to ask me the same ones.
Sometimes I'm scared to say the wrong thing, so I rather say nothing at all.
Some doors in life aren't meant to be totally closed when you leave. Someday you might enter it again.
Sometimes when you feel too much, your whole body feels it.
Somewhere along the way social media lost sight of keeping things simple.
I haven’t been the same since.
We all have things in our hearts and our minds that others aren't always aware of and dealing with them can make you feel awfully alone.
Trust is like a knife, given to the wrong person and they will stab you in the back.
Before u start to judge me, remember this, U don't know me, U don't know what I've been through. U have no idea what made me who I am today.
Things to do today: 1. Get up. 2. Survive. 3. Go back to bed.
Sometimes the best thing you can do for someone is to just listen. Be there when they need you.
You can't just keep playing with someone's feelings just because you're unsure of yours.
Sometimes, the worst nightmares in your life are not from your dreams. But from realities..
I don't want the world to see me, because I don't think that they'd understand.
Sometimes, we must experience enough loss to appreciate all that we possess.
Always ask God to give you what you deserve, not what you desire. Your desire may be a few but you deserve a lot.
Sometimes you have to make a big mistake to figure out how to make things right..
It may be that your sole purpose in life is simply to serve as a warning to others :/
Attachment is such a difficult thing to undo..
Don't let something that doesn't matter cause you to lose something that does..
Only a few people care. The rest are just curious.
Shall we awake and find this is all a dream?
I know when to stop. I know when to let things go. I know when to move on. But “I know” is different from “I can”..
"Have you ever noticed the saddest person always has the most beautiful smile?" - Kid Cudi
And these songs are making sense again and I really wish they didn't..
what's wrong with me anyway?
‎"They say to listen to your heart, but what if you don't understand what your heart is tryin' to tell you?"
And sometimes the truth is stranger than fiction..
So honestly, how could you say those things when you know they don't mean anything?
‎"If you are going to love me, love me deeply. If you break my heart, then break it all. If you are going to care, care for me completely. If you decide not to hold me, then just let me fall. If you are going to stay, then stay forever. And if you want to leave, then do it today. If you are going to change, change for the better. And if you are going to talk, then please mean what you say."
When it wants to rain, it pours!!!
People change, even those you thought you knew the most.
If you leave without a reason, don't come back with an excuse..
Blackberry BBM Apple iMessage Samsung ChatON (multi-platform!!!)
"If you succeed in cheating someone, don't think he is a fool. Rather realize that he trusted you more than you deserved."
For if someone gets too close to him, the pain sticks farther in..
I can't follow dreams forever, just to see them fall apart..
That sad moment when you can feel you and your best friend slowly drifting apart..
I wish I was as invisible as the way you made me feel..
Most strangely, I live on..
"Ah sorrow, I thought I was done with it for good about a year ago. but now I can tell its all just begun.."
"Perhaps when we find ourselves wanting everything, it is because we are dangerously close to wanting nothing." - Sylvia Plath
This, this is my life..
It's true that we don't know what we've got until we lose it, but it's also true that we don't know what we've been missing until it arrives..
"And sometimes when you turn, there is a shoulder to lean upon, a smile to believe in, a hand to hold. Those are the times your faith in the world is restored."
Sometimes you need to step outside, get some air, and remind yourself of who you are and where you want to be..
‎"Sometimes you just have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down."
Some people need to learn that if you're trying to be a smartass you have to be smart, otherwise you're just an ass!
"Here's my heart and soul, please grind them into hamburger, and enjoy."
I think someone loved me once, but I can't think of why, I guess they couldn't either, or they wouldn't have said goodbye...
How can you make that bridge when you lost the one it's supposed to be connected to?
Whats the distance from my sad forest to your happy river?
You pretend you're over and so okay when they see you, but deep inside you're dying to hide all your feelings, just because you don't want them to feel bad about you. You care for them too much that you chose to suffer your dying heart all alone..
Scarred with the Truth, Healed with the Lies..
Islamabad's Weather <3
Sometimes, no matter how much faith we have, we lose people. But you never forget them. And sometimes, it's those memories that give us the strength to go on..
I killed hope, but you buried it.

I'm so sick of my heart leading me places were there are no happpy endings..

Some times its better when we do not share what is in our heart, because every one do not thinks according to our thinking..
In seven days, God created the world. And in seven seconds, I shattered mine </3

There is a dagger planted into my chest.. It hurts but if I pull it out, I am DEAD !!

"For in all adversity of fortune the worst sort of misery is to have been happy." - Boethius
is not afraid of heights, but afraid of widths..
I had a plan.. I wanted to change who I was, create a life as someone new, someone without the past.. Someone alive..
Life is too cruel. If we cease to believe in love, why would we want to live?
Sometimes you just can't tell anybody how you really feel.. Not because u don't know why.. Not because u don't know ur purpose.. Not because u don't trust them.. But because u never find the right words to make them understand !!!
Why do I shed tears on hurting you?!
Goodbye August..