
Showing posts from September, 2012
When you fall for someone, you lose your balance and sight to many things other than the person you fell for.
The sun may dry the tears from your eyes, but not the tears from your heart.

Jinnah Library

Sep17, 2012


In this world, you will be very lucky if you are able to call even one person as your 'true' friend.
boring pathetic useless pointless meaningless life

in Bagh-e-Jinnah

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something inside of me..

There’s something inside of me, dying to cry, dying to be heard, dying to be soothed, loved, cared about. There’s something inside of me, dying to have what i can’t have.

he was lonely...


annd I'm alone on my birthday

though it was sweet waking up to all the wishes and my friends and family remembering my birthday instead of being reminded through their facebook...still I wish I had someone to celebrate my birthday with :(

Skinny Love - Birdy

And I told you to be patient, And I told you to be fine, And I told you to be balanced, And I told you to be kind, And now all your love is wasted, Then who the hell was I? 'Cause now I'm breaking at the bridges, And at the end of all your lines. Who will love you? Who will fight? And who will fall far behind?

But once you throw a stone, there are ripples in the pond, even if you remove the rock. ~ Jodi Picoult
