
Showing posts from January, 2011
my heart was ripped apart, but still I stood by you...I bore this utmost pain...but u never realised... Everyday I mark my calendar - day one of healing my heart...but I always run out of time...
Everyday I mark my calendar - day one of healing my heart...but...

Fun with unknowns!!!! :D

Jst received this msg on ma cell frm unknown numbr -> "Here is a surprise gift for Raf_e. I just come back frm bazar purchasing his gift". My reply -> "who is this btw? And what was the gift? And for who o_O?" His/Her reply -> "O, idiot this is for ur new baby I write his name as RAF.E. I cnt spell his name properly and surprise is surprise so y I told u this is for Raf.e" And nw when I'm writing this, my phone is ringing with his/her number!!!!!! But am I fool to pick it? :D I mean fun is fun :D wait let me reply nw ;) And what wuz my msg tht made him/her to call? -> "Whaaaat? My baby? O_O and I wasn't even invited on my marriage party :( where is my wife? :( " ....must have freaked out I guess :D And just received this msg -> "I'm sorry I think I by mistake sms on ur number I dnt knw who are u so sorry again" My reply -> "hahaha...don't worry I had a gud laugh ;)"
The world is looking beautiful through the window of d bus...I wish earth was like this, passing though new galaxies, seeing different planets everyday...instead it's stuck in the same old milky way galaxy, revolving around the same old sun :( nostrils just got BURNT....STUPID PASSENGER!!! I seriously want to throw u out of the moving bus :/
Oh na na, what's my name
my only black shirt...torn ByTe :(
“If governments do not listen to legitimate demands of their people, the people would have no option but to call for their downfall.”
"The truth is, I'm not mad at you. I'm just hurt; and the fact that every time your name pops up on my phone or computer, my heart sinks a little bit deeper. You don't realize what you've made me go through; but i can guarantee you're not doing it again. thanks for teaching me just how much it hurts to be played with....learned a lot."
And after 19 days, 23 hours and 21 minutes, I'm at home :)
soooo tired....goodniZZzzZZzzzz
specializes in a very specific type of security, subconscious security...

Historical fb status updates...sadly d columbia space shuttle crew never made it bck to earth..alive :(

is entirely fictional. Any resemblance of events, names, places, or organizations to actual names or events is a pure coincidence...
feeling depressed after watching Black Swan :/
Shah a noun
Signing off from Erlang...Logging in to MATLAB...
I’m not upset that you lied to me, I’m upset that from now on I can’t believe you...
Having fun with Uncle Sargam in our class....

Alpha And Omega

Click here for a8927bcd-2ecf-4b50-92fd-d07743147ad7
Alpha And Omega -> Howling is an Art :O
Two people who broke up could never be friends & if they are, they are either still in love Or they never were.
Its January 23, 2011. And the time is 3:48 AM




By the way I'm learning Erlang programming language on my own. Why Erlang? Because I searched the net for a language suitable for telecommunication engineers and this is the best for us. Right now I'm reading "Programming Erlang, Software for a Concurrent World" by Joe Armstrong.

First Time

Everywhere I see, I find broken hearts and lonely souls Is it just me or is this the end of role Sometimes everything seems to be a lie Will I ever get a hold or the only choice left is to die Obviously I wrote it myself :/ ... Not good I know. So what should I do? Yups LearnYouSomeErlang


Just saw this somewhere on internet: " Truth is... We hide because we want to be found... We walk away to see who follows... We cry to see who wipes away the tears... And we let our hearts be see who comes...and fixes them... </3" ......
is everything a lie?
Just deactivated my facebook account...I wish there could be some way by which I can remove my online presence completely. But I know its impossible :( Sometimes I wish I could be in a jungle. With no one to talk to. But that is sometimes, not all the time.
Remember that there was a time when you could live without that thing or that person – nothing is irreplaceable, a habit is not a need. Stop being who you were, and change into who you are.


Powered by Telenor BlackBerry® ByTe Powered by Telenor BlackBerry®


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My insides just screamed out loud!

Odd :(

Something is wrong :( I don't know what it is or where it is...
is in such a mood that...that....that...
""What's the world's greatest lie?... It's this: that at a certain point in our lives, we lose control of what's happening to us, and our lives become controlled by fate." - Paulo Coelho
"Love is an untamed force. When we try to control it, it destroys us. When we try to imprison it, it enslaves us. When we try to understand it, it leaves us feeling lost and confused." - Paulo Coelho


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is awake and alive...
Do you need 900,000GB of data storage? Your large intestine will be serving the purpose in the coming future ;) hack-proof and secure storage! can't wait!!! (*no kidding involved)
is going to think in Erlang...
Love -> Happiness -> Amazing -> Life! -> Betrayal -> Dark Days -> Lies! -> Tears -> HE -> Blessed -> Strength


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Jar of Hearts - Christina Perry

You're gonna catch a cold From the ice inside your soul
Jar of Hearts - Christina Perri
There's so many wonderful things in life to be afraid of if you'd just learn how scary they are - The Tale of Despereaux
If someone says to you that they are afraid of dying, it simply means they love life...appreciate it!


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Really needs a hug.. any volunteers?? (I know no one because no one reads my blogs, anyways...ya...)
its raining...inside and out


God what I have done.......
No not me, not I, not I, no not me, not I.........
Looking at my old photos and thinking "who is this guy? :s "

If I die young

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The Band Perry

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"Once, it felt like the weight of the world, it felt as if the angels have turned their back on me. But I was wrong, the angels were right next to me, feeding me with hope when I was losing grip, keeping me strong when I was breaking apart."
Everyone keeps saying that everybody has a purpose for being on this earth, a what I would like to know is that when do we figure out that "purpose"...seriously
It keeps raining

Where I belong

Just wrote some lengthy lines on loneliness but then pressed "del" and removed em all...Feeling apart from this world, like I don't belong here...


Powered by Telenor BlackBerry® 2011/01/13 Powered by Telenor BlackBerry®
my silence hides thousands of untold words

wordpress blog

Just found out that the "post by email" feature in my wordpress blog ( ) was not enabled :( huff.... Btw I liked wordpress layout more than livejournal and blogspot!
Gr8 the litez gone :( but luckily I already boiled water so me having tea in the dark in my bed
I want to have a tea and it's 12:00 AM....that's it I'm gonna make it anyways :p and then gonna watch The Last Airbender...


feeling lonely...also disabling my facebook account again for unknown time...waiting for kiddo to come back soon...tan was also kind of rite...and now giving time to my blogs (which no one knows about)...anyways that's the charm of it I guess...writing openly on world wide web but still no one knows aware of an open secret...
going offline...
First 3 lines on board in our first class: 1: No mobiles 2: No whispering (*black sheeps) 3: Late comers: 10 min : door will be shut
Facebook started rolling out "new messages layout" last nite which also includes email..u won't have any email if you don't have a get a username ->
"Mia Martina's “Stereo Love” single ft. Edward Maya garnered incredible success across Canada and internationally.".....source ..... Mia you a prime example of a dufus!!!

Gotta endure u :/

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Okhay ufone let's c what u got...

Don't consider my silence as your victory, you never know what price you are going to pay for it o_O

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And the award goes to................djuice!!!!!!!!!!

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This is My Life - Edward Maya
Life goes on...
You can't buy love, but you can pay heavily for it...

#Selena Gomez!

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Pain, loss, and separation are inevitable on the path to love, and the only way of avoiding them is by deciding not to take that path at all...

yesh :(

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On my way to Islamabad, in bus....Its quite a sad journey every time...
Is the colour orange called orange because of the fruit, or is the fruit called orange because it's orange?
Why can't I sleep? This is the question that keeps me awake at night...
"Don’t say you love me unless you really mean it, because I might do something crazy; like believe it."
there are 6,891,773,502. people in the world and i still feel completely alone...
Or why not eleventeen?? Anyways -> onety-two, onety-three, onety-four, onety-five, onety-six, onety-seven, onety-eight, onety-nine, twenty. Yeah!
wonders why eleven isn't just onety-one?
I can't follow dreams forever, Just to see them fall apart...

got addicted to his music


got addicted to his music :s

Click here for 7fcee842-15a9-4ee3-b8bf-e707294880bf

Up Close & Dangerous

At this point of my life, at this very moment, I look around, and all I can see is darkness, and some light.....that's bcuz I'm under the blanket & the light is emitting from my cell, listening to Edward Maya's This is My Life ;)
Isn't it ironic we ignore the ones who adore us , adore the ones who ignore us , love the ones who hurt us and hurt the ones who love us... :s
When I quote others I do so in order to express my own ideas more clearly.
just did a Google Image Search for "241543903" and wtf???? Hell they even have O_O.....
When you gonna stop breaking my heart I don't wanna be another one Paying for the things I never done Can I get to your soul Can you get to my thoughts Can you promise we won't let go I hate to see you cry Your smile is a beautiful lie You won't see me cry, I'm hiding inside My heart is in pain but I'm smiling for you
What the....? I'm twenty-twooo??? So faaaast???? Just yesterday me and my bro saw the first sunrise of the 21st century :O .... O_O .. o_o .. O_O
Stupidddd hiccupssss!!! :(
"If you should die before me, ask if you could bring a friend."
is installing 2011... 1st status of 2011 is gona be -> Baila en la calle de noche, Baila en la calle de día