Look at me now.....but wait, what are you looking at? I may seem perfectly fine to you, perfectly smiling, perfectly laughing, but I, and only I know what I have become from the inside. The emptiness. I'm getting tired of faking the smiles, failing most of the time. I often want to scream out loud, but turns out that silence is the most powerful scream for me. "You" asked me why am I walking alone in this cold winter night? Becuz sometimes I want to keep walking till I leave myself, my this self, behind. Why "no"? Cuz I don't wanna ruin another "mine". "You" asked me why am I not talking to you anymore? Maybe cuz I'm not the only one you got now. "You" may wonder why am I calling u so often nowadays...you would realize if only you could see me at that time, at that moment....I just wish that one day, it all ends ;(

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