In the end

Over the time of our lives, we meet them. Most of the time they come unexpectedly. We make memories, we both make each other laugh, we both make each other cry. We have good times and we have bad times. And as the time goes by, our bond gets stronger, we care for each other more than anything else. At that time you say to yourself, "It's different. They are not that person. They won't ever do this to me"... But then things start to change, that person starts to change, everything starts changing.. "but im nt the same person i was, things changed, i changed." .. And the hurting part is, we are still the same person we were. Why didn't we change damn it!!! And then very easily they ask us "I dnt want u 2 cry, plz dnt cry." .. Seriously? Our whole self is shattered, our whole identity is shaken, and they are worried bout us crying? Its not called crying. Its called torn apart. Its called being crushed. Its called being KILLED!! They were the peace to ur soul, and now they are the reason for our tears.

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