
Showing posts from February, 2011
If only it was not a sin :(
I don't know if I'm getting better or just used to pain...
He really enjoyed coffee. And in the end he was enjoyed AS coffee. Kind of circle of life - Due Date (movie) :D
I still find each day too short for all the thoughts I want to think, all the walks I want to take, all the books I want to read, and all the friends I want to see...
Every now and then, I think my heart may have healed. But every time someone comes, hits it hard and it gets broken again...
"I didn't want my picture taken because I was going to cry. I didn't know why I was going to cry, but I knew that if anybody spoke to me or looked at me too closely the tears would fly out of my eyes and the sobs would fly out of my throat and I'd cry for a week. I could feel the tears brimming and sloshing in me like water in a glass that is unsteady and too full." ~ Sylvia Plath, The Bell Jar
got his face washed with prolactin, adrenocorticotropic hormone, and leucine enkephalin...
To be trusted is a greater compliment than being loved...
...and remember this...never say I love you, if you don't really care...never talk about feelings, if they aren't really there...never touch a life, if you mean to break a heart...never say you're going to, if you don't plan to start...never look me in the eye, when all you do is lie...never say hello, if you really mean good-bye...
I used to believe something I was totally against...U asked me many times what's it? what's wrong? But I guess I just got good on hiding now...Is it just me who is stupid enough to believe on something which never seems to exist for anyone else? I tried too long to hide it but tonight, I can't. My heart is aching from this new kind of pain, new kind at least for me...
Business is Just Business........Until..It's Personal
is standing on the roof-top, mindless,unfocused, gazing at the crows flying around, watching the cars passing on the near-by is boring.
It's like you're trying to come in first but it's somebody else's race.

To, _____. For being the only normal thing in my crazy upside down world.

Even on a cloudy day the sun is shining somewhere...
I feel like I've been locked up tight...For a century of lonely nights...Waiting for someone...To release me.......I'm a genie in a bottle...
"I escape reality by going to sleep, traveling in my dreams where everything is imaginary and peaceful. I always believed that was true until I woke up screaming trying to escape from my dreams..." - Enass Abouziki
“I would much rather have regrets about not doing what people said, than regretting not doing what my heart led me to and wondering what life had been like if I'd just been myself.”
is based on a true story.
I can’t stand by the side...And watch this life pass me by...So unhappy...But safe as could be.......So what if it hurts me?...So what it I break down?...So what if this world just throws me off the edge, My feet run out of ground...
"A philosopher once said 'Are we human because we gaze at the stars, or do we gaze at them because we are human? Pointless, really. Do the stars gaze back? Now, THAT's a question."
"We choose our joys and sorrows long before we experience them..." ...hmm quite thoughtful
"But one day u'll wake up, and I won't be there.." Told ya u gotta endure me o_O :p
If you don't want to be corrected, don't be wrong! :


In the end, its all just u.
can't believe it
Cause love only comes once in awhile Knocks on your door and throws you a smile And takes every breath, Leaves every scar Speaks to your soul And sings through your heart If I knew then, what I know now I'd fall in love Lady Antebellum's "If I Knew Then"
Put your right hand on your left shoulder, put your left hand on your right shoulder and squeeze! That was a quick hug from me... <3 <3
wants to have a Funnel Cake rite NOW :(
I'm confused. I want to live on a planet where people never lie, never betray you, and trust you back the same you do.

chocolate chip ;)

we talked, we walked, for a Moment in Time.
NEXT time there will BE no next time
can't stop roommate just told me that there is a nation of little people under the earth on which we walk..and sometimes humans can find them while digging a well O_O btw he is serious :D
is celebrating Shah Saad Hamadani's Day!!!
"Love created a hole through my heart, like a bulldozer, and went through the other side"
Friendship is something to hold on to But for me that's not the case Cause I don't feel I need to keep Something that can't be erased @Heba Abu-Ziki, @Arsalan Tasaddaq Raja
There is so much I want to know about myself...
Am I sad? Am I glad to be alone? Am I lonely? There is so much I want to know about myself
really needs a hug.. any volunteers??
But, truly, I have wept too much! The Dawns are heartbreaking. Every moon is atrocious and every sun bitter.
Late or Early...Please don't make me choose between heaven and hell...
You can emotionally love someone, but not trust them. You can trust them, but not emotionally love them.

The agonizing last look ;(



wishes to remain single for a WHILE!!!!
There's a lot I don't understand about life...
"They're a young species. They have much to learn. But I've seen goodness in them. Freedom is the right of all sentient beings." ~ Optimus Prime
"In the end, you are all you have, and that has to be enough. There is no other way." ~ Marya Hornbacher

Love Kills!

is thinking...if only
What the bloody HELL is this "Progressive Control" ?????????????????????????????
May God be with me :( I don't know why I am...
I know I once said life is confusing. The thing is, I don't know if we make it confusing ourselves or it's just the way it is...
Was I gonna kidnap you or what?
Hurt. And you are when someone you love so much starts acting like a stranger.
There is a thing people who love us should know. Its that when they ask us what's wrong, and we don't feel like telling them at that moment, we are also kind of asking them to please stay with us. At that moment we just need them (not someone) to be with us, talk to us in a normal manner.
God what have I done
HORRIBLE... There is a whole website dedicated to "Methods to Suicide" and assisting people how to commit suicide so that to make sure they really die and not end up in hospital.. Never knew there were so many methods e.g. Suicide through drinking water but WHAT THE HELL were they thinking designing that website!!!!! (Don't go searching for that site)

Noooooo plzz don't!!!!!

"And I'm falling apart once again...All the people are turning away...And I've seen all I can and I don't understand, why did you kill me this way?"
who say i'm crying? look at me, i'm not crying. something enter in my eye, that's why...............
"... and yet at the end of it all none are to blame but ourselves, for should we have fallen in love in the first place,was it worth the risk, was that the heart is in peices... was it for the moments of joy and bliss....was it... the heart still awaits the answer..."
Reading posts of facebook "I'm So Lonely..." page and listening to Not Me, Not I... How lonely people are...
is thinking bout what to think next :s
Girl's Facebook status: I am lonely! [12874 COMMENTS] Boy's Facebook Status: I am going to commit suicide now! [52 LIKES. 1 COMMENT: Who is gonna take your car now?] :


Lying in bed, half dead because of the weakness and stomach
maybe leaving facebook tonight or tomorrow
Whoever is fighting in my stomach with each other or with my stomach, Plzzz stop it :(
"Look at me, you may think you see who I really am, but you'll never know me... Why is my reflection so alone (I dont know), must I pretend that I'm someone else for all time? When will my reflection show, who I am inside... Must there be a secret me, I'm forced to hide?" ~ Christina Aguilera "Reflection"
Love is so strange... sometimes it becomes reason to live life..!! and sometimes it becomes reason to leave life..

i'm lovin' it :p

At times I feel that waiting for the right person in life is like waiting for a boat at the airport...
I've got no road to follow Left with no eyes to see No love to barrow Since you left I can barrely breathe In a lonely place And it can't be changed All I can do is pray -Lemar's Weight of The World
Please be careful with my heart
When will people understand that facebook's "My Profile Views" app is a scam. The number of views they give you is totally random generated. Someone created a new account and checked it with this app and he got 6,788 views, without even a single friend. Be safe, be careful, and always use your common sense. Really.
"I never knew u can have a hard heart like that before"......seriously??? :
Dear Maths, all my life you made me find your X!! Listen buddy, she's not coming back.. So please move on!!! Regards, Frustrated Student.
In that weird mood when one wants to get ill for no good reason...
Want to go out, walk, talk..but I can't
Everything has a time limit... e.g. Time Limit for the acceptance of these three simple words -> "I am sorry"
less than three you all!
I wish I cud just erase the word "trust" from the dictionary...from this world
Love don't cost a thing except a lot of tears, a broken heart, and wasted years...
To dream of an earthquake highlights your insecurity, fears and sense of helplessness. A total change in your perception of day to day reality.
Just so that everyone knows, my recent research proves that the alphabet "u" comes after the alphabets "t" and before "v"...
You will never reach your destination if you stop and throw stones at every dog that barks at you.
is gonna free all kangaroos in the zoo...

That's the smallest 4GB flash drive I have ever seen :s



"Change does not come easy. Unwanted change is even harder to accept. And a change which threatens your sense of well-being is the most difficult of all."
I guess it's me... I just don't understand You told me you loved me and held my hand. How can I trust anything you say, When I'm yesterdays news the very next day. Heba Abu-Ziki
also available on Blu-Ray