
Showing posts from October, 2011
They say: "Keep your friends close and your enemies closer." The problem is, nowadays you can't tell them apart.
Unfortunately, we believe the liars, trust the backstabbers, and love the heartbreakers..
We all have that song that tears us to pieces.. But we listen to it anyways..
*The morning after a breakup when u wake up 4 those first few mins it feels like a normal morning But then reality hits u right in the heart </3
Roses are red, violets are blue, friend requests are good but who the hell are you?
Virgo: Respectful to others but you will quickly lose their respect if you do something untrustworthy towards them and never regain respect. They do forgive but never forget what was forgiven.
"While good things never last, some don’t even start.”
True love is like Santa, you grow up believing in it then find out it just doesn't exist.

Eating while frustrated/tensed

I have developed a thing I am not liking :/ and that is, when I'm tensed, I eat too much. It was not like that before. I mean I tended to not eat due to no hunger whenever I was tensed or frustrated. But now its totally opposite!!! Huff..
Life is like a nail.. It always gets screwed.

Day 5

How can you learn from your mistakes when mistakes are all you've ever made?
Just when you thought you had it all, it all falls apart.
It is hard to believe that someone is telling the truth when you know that you would lie if you were in their place.
If you think the things I say out loud are bad, you should hear the things I keep to myself.


What others have that I don't?
"And I don’t want to hear the sound, of losing what I never found."
"I shot for the sky, I’m stuck on the ground.. So why do I try, I know I’m gonna fall down.. I thought I could fly, so why did I drown?"
"While good things never last, some don’t even start.”

Day 4

Just because I don't react, doesn't mean I don't notice.
..And I realize how silly it is to take anything too seriously..
"Some fairy tales are real, but most are just stories we make up to deal with our pathetic lives."

Don't come back once you leave, please.

Today is once again, a depressing one. Again thinking about my existence in this world, thinking about what I have, and what I don't. And the latter is more magnified in my mind. Wrong, I know. Coming back to existence, still have no idea. I am not even doing any significant work, and what I AM doing, is not going in the right way. I know I need to put my thoughts in order but I am not able to do that. How can I when everyone I care about keep messing up? 2 days back, someone I brought someone so close to my heart messed up. The place where that person stayed is vacant now, and I will make it sure that its permanently locked down. That person is not going to come back there again. See that's the problem. Whenever someone tries to make themselves a place in my heart, I just make it up for them without thinking about it, no questions asked. Same happened again. I guess that's where the rules come in. If anyone again decides to walk out from there occupied place in my heart, t
"Pain is frightening when it shows its real face, but it’s seductive when it comes disguised as sacrifice or self denial." Paulo Coelho

they say there is a reason..

"They say there is a reason, They say that time will heal, But neither time nor reason, Will change the way I feel, For no-one knows the heartache, That lies behind my smiles, No-one knows how many times, I have broken down and cried I want to tell you something, So there won't be any doubt, You're so wonderful to think of, But so hard to be without."
I hate getting flashbacks from things i don't want to remember!
I hate when the person you thought you could trust, turns out to be someone you can't..
Sometimes the hardest part is having to accept what you see.
The truth hurts, but then again, living in a world full of lies is more painful.


staring at my diskless PC o_o forgot the hard disk at home :/

Another day, Another life

Yeps I am alive, safe and sound.
Sometimes the best thing to say is nothing.

how will they know :s

sometimes I wonder that, if I suddenly die, how will most of my friends come to know about it :s I haven't met them.. And, if my facebook is also supposedly de-activated at that moment, I guess they will never know then :s anyways, me going to sleep now, if you don't see anymore posts after this one till next day, know that I am no more ;) no I'm serious :s

If I die today

Going back to uni tomorrow.. Have 3 hours of sleep left. And it just came to my mind that, if I die, okay let's suppose that the van meets an accident, and I remain no more ;) than a lot of people will be regretting the way they talked to me last time. Close friends, family, people.
Life would be easier if people just realize the meaning of these 4 simple words: 'Mind you own business'

crossing ways..

Click here for 39f998e7-fa5f-4802-9825-17ab11e1f47d
“There comes a time when the world gets quiet and the only thing left is your own heart. So you'd better learn the sound of it. Otherwise you'll never understand what it's saying.” - Sarah Dessen

if only

There always someone getting in the way, blocking my way. It sure isn't me. And then there are always these two words sounding in my head, 'if only'. Now how to stop myself. I tried. I did. But that went only for a day and a half. I don't know if I have that in me anymore or not.

I though I could fly, so why did I drown?

I'm sad :( why do I always reach such place? Why do I try when I know I'm gonna fall down?! I'm pathetic, I know.
I can't help but think about things I don't want to think about..
‎"Most fairytales turn out to be nightmares"
Sometimes, its better when things aren't perfect. At least that way, you know its real.
Alrite my blogs, I'm back.
so this is my life, and I want you to know that I am both happy and sad, and I'm still trying to figure out how that can be..
My mind is exploding with so many things and all I want is for it to stop. I want something like a light switch, something to turn my brain off. I'm so tired. I go to sleep late every night. I am afraid to sleep. Actually, I am afraid to dream. I hate dreaming. I hate those dreams where things happen that are so great and so lovely and it feels so real and you're so happy. I hate them because they are the worst thing in the world to wake from. There are certain dreams I've had that have completely ruined my life. Nothing good comes out of dreaming because dreams always end.
There are some things I regret, some words I wish had gone unsaid. Some starts that had some bitter endings. There are some mistakes that I have made, some chances I just threw away. Some roads I never should’ve taken. Some pages turned, some bridges burnt. But there were lessons learnt.
People destroy your trust. They always let you down. Then they leave. You can never completely know anyone, no matter how well you think you do. There will always be parts of their lives they leave out. There will always be some truth about them you don't ever get to know. Or maybe one day you'll find out their truth. And you'll wish you never had. Just once, I wish I could know what it feels like to trust someone completely and not have them disappoint me.

once upon a time

Click here for 485e3b9b-fe90-430b-9f45-896cdacaa8f7
visited my school yesterday...after a loooooong time...
I wish I could know what it feels like to trust someone completely and not have them disappoint me.
Sometimes, we say so much that no one hears what we mean.


visiting my school..
visiting my school..
The rain falls because the cloud can no longer handle the weight.
‎"For once I want someone to come into my life & stay in it."
The only reason I wont let go of what is making me sad is because it was the only thing that made me happy.
Strangers → Friends → Close Friends → Crush → Relationship → Heartbroken → Barely Friends → Strangers
It's like there's an [a l a r m] going off inside my head telling me it's time to give up, and i can't find the snooze button.
There is so much I want to know about myself..
My life is like lighting, one brilliant flash, then its gone :(
I’ve got a problem for your solution…
All people have the right to stupidity but some abuse the privilege. o_o
I'm perfect(l)y f(i)ne, trust m(e)
Everyone has a 'best friend' during each stage of life, only a precious few have the same one.
Hate the passengers who start dozing off on ur shoulders.. Damn it..Is it THAT necessary to sleep in a bus?!! And worst is when they drop dead like they never slept in ages!!! Wish I could just through u out of the window :@
You can do something in an instant that will give you heartache for life..
Wow... Raining so hardd <3 standing with the window pane, great feeling ;) sadly its 1:53am of the nite, have to wake up at 5:14am and then have to attempt the paper at 8am.. *sigh but all of that can't make me move away from where I'm..NO
"There’s always some truth behind ‘just kidding’. Knowledge behind ‘I don’t know’. Emotion behind ‘I don’t care’. Pain behind: ‘It’s okay’."
Falling in love is like jumping off a cliff. It doesn't hurt till the end.
I just want someone. Someone I can call my own. I'm not desperate, I'm just tired of being alone.
Me: I'm finally happy :) Life: Oh damn, that can't happen - let me throw something bad in..
80% of my conversations with others occur inside my head :/
The cruelest thing you can do to a person is pretend they mean more to you than they actually do.
less than slash three
That's the thing about people who mean everything they say. They think everyone else does too.
One of the worst feelings in the world is having to doubt something you thought was unquestionable.
I'm not ignoring you, I'm just waiting for you to realize your mistake and own up to it. If you can't do that, then there is nothing to say.
3 apples changed the world: 1st one seduced Eve, 2nd fell on Newton & 3rd was offered to the world half bitten by Steve Jobs.
"Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become." - Steve Jobs .. R.I.P.
sometimes people don't think before speaking, don't care what effect their words have on others, realizing it only when it's too late.
Its funny how you can do nice things for people all the time and they never notice. But once you make one mistake, its never forgotten.
"I know I have a heart because I feel it breaking." -The Wizard of Oz (1939)
I am still waiting for someone to prove that waiting all this while, is worthwhile.
So near yet so far
Once you walk out of my life, the door locks behind you..
"Sometimes you forgive people simply because you still want them in your life."
It is better to have an ENEMY who honestly says they hate you than to have a FRIEND who's putting you down SECRETLY.
Just because someone doesn't love you the way you want them to doesn't mean they don't love you with all they have..
Never argue with someone you care about unless you can see them face to face, you can't tell how someone feels over text messages.
Hurt me with the truth, but never comfort me with a lie.