Don't come back once you leave, please.

Today is once again, a depressing one. Again thinking about my existence in this world, thinking about what I have, and what I don't. And the latter is more magnified in my mind. Wrong, I know. Coming back to existence, still have no idea. I am not even doing any significant work, and what I AM doing, is not going in the right way. I know I need to put my thoughts in order but I am not able to do that. How can I when everyone I care about keep messing up?
2 days back, someone I brought someone so close to my heart messed up. The place where that person stayed is vacant now, and I will make it sure that its permanently locked down. That person is not going to come back there again.
See that's the problem. Whenever someone tries to make themselves a place in my heart, I just make it up for them without thinking about it, no questions asked. Same happened again.
I guess that's where the rules come in.
If anyone again decides to walk out from there occupied place in my heart, the door will lock down behind him/her. No more apologies and no more sorries. My heart is not a playground damn it. And whenever someone decides to walk out, they leave cracks at the place the left. And I'm too tired to be repairing those cracks. Better leave them as they are and lock that part down.

Then there is that person I once considered my bff. But I will leave this part for some other time..

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