I get attached to people too easily, and I expect too much, its all my fault. I tend to push people away from me when they make even a slight mistake; it doesn't matter that I may be doing this because of how I got treated by other people I met on the way, its still my fault. I feel pain when I try to push someone away from me, but it doesn't matter, I deserve it. I open up to anyone showing some concern whether real or not, telling them how I feel, and then I mind it when I'm called an attention-seeker; I deserve it. People think I'm shy because I don't talk or participate much in conversations. Truth is, I don't really give a damn what they're talking about; again, my fault. I'm too sensitive and lately too insecure, I get hurt even on the slightest of things, things other people consider as a joke, yet here I am, weak and coward; my fault. People think high of me on seeing my polite behavior, only to find out later that I'm no more different than other mean and selfish people out there; my fault. They tend to look at WHAT you did but not WHY you did it.

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