helping others?

Sometimes I wish I could take my own advice. It's always easier to help others than it is to help ones self.

"Okay listen. I'm going to tell u something u already know. But u know me, I'm gonna say it anyway ;) whatever happened, its in the past now. It doesn't need to be linked to ur present or ur future. U r not a new person. U r still the one who made those mistakes; we all do. Hell they weren't even mistakes at that time. So with being that same person, u have to move on. You won't be forgetting those times no matter how hard u try. There will always be moments in life when u will be getting flashbacks of the past. But the important thing is, it shouldn't affect u. No need to block those thoughts. Just let them flow in, but hold ur ground. Don't let yourself flow with em :)"

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