Deleting my facebook profile..

Its not an easy decision. I LOVE my facebook profile. I wish I could explain to everyone that why I am taking this step. I spent so much time in there, spilling out my thoughts and feelings in the status updates and comments. People came, people left, & new people came. Like many others, facebook is the starting point of many new experiences for me, new feelings, new emotions.
Right now, its like half part of me wants to delete it, and other half doesn't want that. Though the later half doesn't want to use it either, just keep it. But its painful. Its painful for you when the realization of something keeps hitting you over and over again, realization that things will never be same again. My friends (not the 'facebook' friends) don't want me to delete it. One of them asked me to stay and face whatever's bothering me instead of running away and cutting away from everyone. But I've had enough. How can I face something when I can't do anything about it? The only person that can do something, well, that person can't either. So the only option (Its not really an option) left is to leave that place. 

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