
Showing posts from December, 2011
The trouble with loneliness is, it tells us that something's missing, but it doesn't tell us what the missing part is..
You see happy people walking in the crowd, they call to you and you put on a smile, but those bright shinny people will never know what you are going through, and they will never know that pretending to be a happy is causing a part of you to go to a dark place and lie down and die...
There are just certain things in life that are better off unkown; Things you wished you never asked, never saw, never heard, or never even felt..
I tend to keep people out. Why? Because I can barely handle myself. I would never be able to trust myself with another person..
It’s better to have nobody, than to have someone who is half there, or doesn’t want to be there.
Sometimes, we need to be hurt in order to grow. We must lose in order to gain. Sometimes, some lessons are learned best through pain.
Strangers can become bestfriends just as easy as bestfriends can become strangers.
Some days you feel sad without knowing why. Like you lost something very precious but forgot what it was, or like you miss someone you never met...
It hurts when you call someone you thought who cares for you, and instead you hear a stranger voice coming from the other end. And with your cell phone in your hands, you are left wondering, 'what did I do?'.. Or maybe you really did something and you simply have no idea about it. The most hurting part is when you ask yourself, 'Have I made a same mistake again? Did l let myself get attached to someone again, only to be pushed back? Or maybe it was I who pushed them away?'.. Then you start cursing yourself. All the memories of the past come back rushing in and you have no idea how to get out of their hold. Damn it, You hate yourself! And in the end you decide not to get attached to someone no matter what. Never again.
The people who promise they will always be here are the ones who walk away first.
The most difficult phase of life is not when no-one understands you. It is when you don't understand yourself!
I wasn't bitter. I was sad, though. But it was a hopeful kind of sad. The kind of sad that just takes time...
Just because I'm unhappy doesn't mean I have to ruin someone else's happiness.
forever’s a lie 'cause all you really have is between hello and goodbye..
I have lost my identity. I am just a bunch of molecules roaming the earth. I look at happy people and feel detached. Where did "I" go? Who am I? Will this despair ever end? Will I ever be a person again?
It goes by a few names.....a spirtitual eclipse...the black hole....the own prison...the downward spiral.
Life is bad. It's just a bunch of aches and pains. When ever there is some good/happiness, it's inevitable that it is going to end. I've resolved myself. I'm not going to expect anything but the worst because it's inevitable. Why be caught by suprise by something you know isn't going to last? Don't be a fool, even if it does get better always know it will come to an end.
Sometimes you just sit, stare and smile...with a sadness in your eyes...
every time someone asks me if im ok, its just a reminder that im not. I'm crying inside and no one knows it but me...
I don't need a reason to kill myself, I need a reason not to. I could die at any moment, the tragedy is that I don't.
You cry... you feel sad... you get "help"... but its still there... only now you hide it... you want everyone to believe it is ok... but its not, i'm not ok- its a rollercoaster of emotions, you slowly start to feel better and then all of a sudden you crash again... then it starts all over...
just me and my thoughts, my private struggle. I don't want much, just to be free from this darkness, this pain, this fear. I wish people didn't judge, I'm not 'weak'! I can't just 'pull myself together!' I wish it were that easy. I wish they understood, I wish I didn't have to pretend, I wish I didn't have to hide, I wish I wasn't me!
Once you lose someone, it's never exactly the same person who comes back..
Sometimes, tears is a sign of unspoken happiness. And smile is a sign of silent pain.
Sometimes people don't change, they adjust. But underneath, they are who they are..
Its better to step back when ignored rather than waiting to be insulted..
I spontaneously fall into momentary love with people (friends, strangers, anyone), ideas, places on a daily basis. It's the worst part of my personality.
So many people are shut up tight inside themselves like boxes, yet they would open up, unfolding quite wonderfully, if only you were interested in them...
Be careful with your words. Once they are said, they can only be forgiven, not forgotten.
Sometimes your parents never know how harsh their words really are.
I'm not even gonna get mad anymore. I'm just going to learn to expect the lowest out of the people I thought the highest of.
It really sucks when you haven't spoken for a while and then when you go to talk, your voice comes out all screechy and dead.
They say something has changed. They say I've changed. They tell me somewhere I turned cold, that I used to be so affectionate. They tell me I used to be cheerful but now my eyes and tone of my voice lost its light and admits fear. Unsure whether it's because of the painful memory but I go on by emptying my heart. Lucid hearts are defective products of this world. That's why I badly want to taint mine. Atrocious. Love is atrocious. Humans are atrocious! Love only pains as you learn about it. More you know, worse you become. The words I wouldn't normally get riled up about: "You don't seem yourself". I question, "What is me?", but of course I know only too well. I can't bear to look at myself. Whether I've been embraced or have closed my eyes, I just can't sleep at ease. I lie customarily and harass in the name of 'Love'. Only thing that's worse than you is, I, who couldn't forget you and ended up being tainted. I, who
the truth is, I gave my heart away a long time ago, all of it, and I never really got it back...
the truth is, I gave my heart away a long time ago, all of it, and I never really got it back...
*The awkward moment when you realize you have a lot in common with the person you hate.
Things hurt…there’s no doubt about it. And saying 'things will get better' doesn’t help. Why doesn’t someone sit down and actually realize the fact that as of right now, the world is falling apart. Tomorrow you can tell me how things will be better…..just let me feel the pain right now………it makes me feel alive!!!
I didn’t ask for it to be over…but then again, i never ask for it to begin. For that’s the way it is with life, as some of the wonderful days come completely by chance…but even the most beautiful days eventually have their sunset...
Its like a cartoon cloud is hovering over my head, a private torrential downpour. I see myself soaking wet, my entire being drooping, and I'm always sick because I can't stay dry. Depressed by the bad weather, I cry myself a little river, but the tears evaporate and form into another cloud that rains on me even more. I can't win...
People may hate you for being different and not living by society's standards, but deep down, they wish they had the courage to do the same.
Isn't it sad when you get hurt so much, you can finally say 'I'm used to it'?
Dear Life, nothing annoys me the most beside you being mean to me. Sincerely, I'm tired.
If you have nothing to die for, what's there to live for?
Yes, I've changed. Pain does that to people.
Sometimes we fall for people, & they just aren't ready to catch us..
Life is full of fake people. Sometimes people act good to you only when they need something but when they don't, they left.
The most important things are the hardest to say.
I am looking back and I realized, It was always there just never spoken. I have been waiting too long to say how I feel and now it is too late. No matter I have to let go of you and the feelings that came. Life goes on but those feelings remain.
Sometimes you need to be alone. Sometimes you just don’t want to be comforted because you need the chance to take it in. All that has been, all the pain left behind. The best cure is time, time to pull yourself together again, and time to see that all you ever wanted is now nothing but a fading memory. Time to let it go and time to start again...
I let my walls down and showed you the other side of me. The side that many people have never seen. You took me for granted, and when you got what you wanted you stopped talking to me. Cut me off from your world and left me to question what was going on in your life. I pretend I don’t care about you anymore, I pretend I don’t think about you anymore. But I do. All. The. Time. The worst thing is, I don’t even think I’ve crossed your mind at all. I’ve been replaced, and there’s nothing I can do about it.
At times, I just hate the way I am.. Like I feel I can’t do anything right.. or how I act around people, how much I hate when people leave me.. I mean, why can’t I just be happy??!!!!
I say that I don't care. When really, it's like having all of my emotion put through a paper shredder..
Sometimes you need to be alone. Sometimes you just don’t want to be comforted because you need the chance to take it in. All that has been, all the pain left behind. The best cure is time, time to pull yourself together again, and time to see that all you ever wanted is now nothing but a fading memory. Time to let it go and time to start again...
"Don't depend too much on anyone in this world, because even your own shadow leaves you when you are in darkness."
Sometimes, someone has to hurt you deep enough to make you realize how better your life is without them in it.
More than broken, he is alone.
What if your pillow could collect your dreams and when you wake up, you could plug it into your computer and watch them over again :s
The only regret I have is that I let you change me into someone I never wanted to be. It hurts because I can never get that 'me' back..
"That's how depression hits. You wake up one morning, afraid that you're gonna live."
best kept secret or worst kept fear..
I like to pretend that everything's all right cos when everyone else believes that I’m fine, I forget for a while that I’m not..
Why don't I just die rite now?!
But sometimes you're faced with a cut that won't heal..
Sometimes you make me so mad that I want to throw you out in moving traffic. But then I realize I would kill myself trying to save you.. *sigh
Silence doesn't always mean yes. Sometimes it means that I'm tired of explaining to people who doesn't even care to understand..
Sometimes it's better to keep it all inside where the only that could judge you is yourself.
u actually start to believe that you mean something to someone, and then that someone will say something and u will instantly know where u stand.
u actually start to believe that you mean something to someone, and then that someone will say something and u will instantly know where u stand.
Never again will I allow my walls to come down. You've just proven why I had them up in the first place.
Don't be mad because I don't care anymore. Be mad because I once did, and you were too blind to see.
I hate it when friends change just because they meet new people.
was just checking out Justin Bieber's new video when my niece asked me, "Is this a girl?" .. I asked "What do you think?" .. and she replied, "She seems like a girl :D" ... :s
A good apology has 3 parts: 1. I'm sorry 2. It was my fault 3. How do I make it right? Unfortunately, we usually miss the 3rd part.
I don't know how I feel about anything anymore, my mind is a mess.