
Showing posts from March, 2012
When someone seems calm, you might have no idea how hard that person is trying to not go crazy.
In life, you're going to be left out, talked about, lied to, and used, but you have to decide who's worth your tears and who's not!
Eventually you realize that some things are just not meant to be no matter how much you want it.
Just because you miss someone, doesn’t mean you need them back in your life. Missing is just a part of moving on.
I don’t regret my past. I just regret the time I’ve wasted with the wrong people.
All communication problems are because we do not listen to understand. We listen to reply.
That moment when you become really attached to someone and somebody comes and takes them away from you.
The worst way to leave someone is without an explanation.
Most of the shadows of this life are caused by our standing in our own sunshine. 
Think before you leave people you love. When you leave, there’s no guarantee you can find your way back.
The most memorable people in life will be the friends who loved you when you weren't very lovable.
I hate people who expect me to treat them like a prince or a princess when they treat me like an utter rubbish. Its pretty pathetic actually.
Eccedentesiast (noun) -A person who fakes a smile.
It's not love if it has conditions.
And I finally destroyed everything I had between us.
"Happiness doesn't come cheap. Hell, if it did, we'd all be smiling." - One tree Hill
*The awkward moment when you think you're important to someone but you're not.
But I think that maybe the thing I did wrong was put up with your bullshit for far too long.
When people hurt you over & over again, think of them like a sandpaper. You may be scratched, but you end up polished & they end up useless.
If your life ended right now, could you honestly say that you've lived it the way you wanted?
And one day I hope you look back at what we had, and regret every single thing to let it end..
It’s awful how one day, people can be so cute to you and the next day they almost don’t say hi. Do people get so tired of other peoples that fast? I don’t. Maybe I’m the problem. I hate to not know anything. Who can I trust? Who can’t I trust? I wanna know what’s wrong with me. I’ve lost so many friends the last months, and I don’t even know why. I want someone to tell me. But no one does. What am I doing wrong? I don’t want to be lonely anymore..
I’m a firm believer in the quote “People always leave.” Everyone that I cared about, well most people, have walked out of my life and never bothered to look back. Some do come back but things are never the way they’re suppose to be. People change, things change, time moves forward and life doesn’t stop for anyone. I just wish for once, I could let someone in all the way and let them know every single thing about me, let them figure me out and not have them leave forever. I don’t want things to be awkward between old flames and me, I want to still be friends with my best friend until my last breath, I want so many things for the world and for myself. I just don’t want to get hurt over and over again. I mean, after a certain point, you stop feeling the pain. You stop letting people in. You build walls so you can protect yourself, so you can be safe in this little fairytale world you create where everything is just okay for one second. Then someone comes along and you think you can trust
Thankyou for reminding me that I don’t deserve to be happy and im not worth keeping in anybody’s life . I honestly thought you would stay . I knew it was too good to be true . Should’ve known better .
To be honest, its really hard to see the road ahead, but still I'm holding on to faith..
Anger is the condition where the tongue works faster than the mind. So hold it, before you regret the words you say.
We like to pretend we're whole around people but break down when we're alone.
Never assume a person is fine just by looking. You have to know what he/she is feeling/thinking within.
You can try to search for someone alike, but all you'd get is bits and pieces of the person..
You never know that when someone is looking at something, they are actually looking at someone in their mind.
Its funny how we sometimes think of people who are not in our lives anymore more than those who are in it.
Just because you like some one, doesn't mean they are obligated to like you back. Sometimes people act like they care about you, but in reality they're just bored. Some people just can never understand how much they really mean to you.
pSo many things that the heart couldn't say.
There is always that one person who makes you rethink everything you thought was true.
I hate you.
My problem is that I think too much, feel too much and 'what I want' and 'what I can have' is always not the same thing.
You know what sucks? Seeing sweet, nice, caring people get fucked over and seeing assholes get whatever they want.
When I look at your updates, I feel happy for you cause you are happy, but at the same time it has also made me realise you didn't need me
It's painful to say goodbye to someone you don't want to let go, but more painful to ask someone to stay when you know they want to leave.. :(
I fall, I rise, I make mistakes, I live, I learn. I've been hurt but I'm alive. I'm human, I'm not perfect, but I'm thankful.
You can only be strong for so long. Sometimes crying is the only thing that can make you feel at peace.
Always smile even if it's a sad smile because sadder than a sad smile is the sadness of not knowing how to smile.
Life sucks when you have a good heart. You help too much. You trust too much. You give too much. And most importantly, you love too much.
We all live in a world full of people pretending to be something they're not.
Relationships sink when they have too many passengers.
All in all, live life with no regrets. The sun will still shine, the sun will still set. The heart will forgive, the heart will forget. <3
When a person can't answer your question directly, probably the answer is too painful for you to know or too hard for them to admit.
It's better to love somone who's far and craves to be with you than to love someone who's near yet doesn't even care to see you.
When someone hurts you, you learn to be stronger. When someone leaves you, you learn to be more independent.
Parents, friends, fakes, boys, girls, love, problems, crush, dating, responsibility, drama, heartache, failures, stress, happiness; that's life.
Apologies don't fix broken heart.
Smiling while texting makes my parents think that I've a girlfriend.. :s
The more you show the person that you can't live without them, the more reasons you’re giving them to take you for granted.
Life is not perfect. We need to realize that some people we thought we knew are going to turn into strangers.
Never let yourself be hurt by someone whose not worth it, because at the end of the day, you're hurt and they don't give a damn.
It's never too late to learn, but most of the time... we learn only when its already too late.
If you love someone you would be willing to give up everything for them, but if they loved you back they’d never ask you to.
I have to accept the fact that most of the time, things almost never work out, but that's how life works..
Sometimes its not what you say but how you say it that causes people to take your words the wrong way..
Sometimes you can't move forward without being pushed back, and you can't reach the stars without falling a couple of times.
It's sad how quickly people can forget about you, until they want something from you.
Sometimes being strong means not holding back the tears, but letting them fall.
95% of people text things they could never say in person.
Sometimes it’s easier to pretend you don’t care, than to admit it’s killing you..!!
Sometimes, you have to try not to care, no matter how much you do. Because, sometimes, you mean nothing to someone who means everything to you.
Sometimes its better not to say anything. Saying how you truly feel might make things worse.
When I cry at night, the only thing I can think to myself can I seem so perfectly fine in the morning? Why do I smile like nothing is wrong? And how does not one single person notice that I'm not okay?!!
The strongest people are those that can hold it inside and act like nothing happened.
Every time I trust somebody, they show me why I shouldn't.
My suggestion? Never get too attached to anyone because attachments leads to expectations and expectations leads to disappointments.
True friendship isn't about being there when it's convenient; it's about being there when it's not.
It's so hard to close your eyes when all you can see are the things that hurt you, and so hard to close your lips when you want to shout out the pain you feel.
When posting an update to get the attention of someone, the person you want to care for you and the person who does is always not the same.
You used to beg for me to stay, and in the end it was you who walked away.
Mostly our tears are shared only with our pillow..and nobody knows about them.
It's just sad that those who you once called "friends" find you disposable.
In the end, the people that you trust the most are the ones who are bound to break your heart.
There comes a point when your so used to getting hurt, you don't need to cry anymore. you feel like screaming but you just sit there in silence. you shut your eyes and just think. sometimes you just shut down... I mean being broken can be exhausting. there comes a point when you realise tears cant change anything. you've been let down by so many people, you've almost learnt to just expect dissappointment from everyone. you hide behind the words 'im fine' because you know you will never be able to explain exactly how broken you feel, how much pain your in... trying seems pointless. you just sit in silence alone. because know no matter how hard you try, you'll never be good enough for anyone except yourself.
You told me that he 'informed' you that I'm taking interest in you. And then you asked me if what he's saying is true? I just said 'No'. You were silent after my answer. At that time, I thought it was enough. But later I realized that you had believed him. Or did you? I will never know. You had told me that "he is not like that", saying he won't start doubting our friendship, but in the end he did. Do you know who was most effected by his doubts? Me. I'm the one who can't share those things with you anymore, things I never shared with anyone else. You may say that I have other friends, but everyone is not the same. In my heart, everyone have occupied different parts. Everyone is special in their own way. The door from where you left is closed now. No one will be entering that part anymore.
I was swaying when I let you in my life. Those early days of our friendship, someone very close to me left me faking death. At that time, I had almost lost hope, I had stopped believing that you can have someone you can share your feelings with. I was thinking that what's the use of getting closer to someone when they are going to leave you in the end anyway? After an incident, just after 1 and half week of our chatting, I tried to leave you, but you didn't let me. You said you have lost too many good people in your life and you don't want to lose anyone else. Those words stopped me and I reserved a very special place for you in my heart. It may be sounding too much philosophical but it's true. I made you a part of my life and I started considering you a part of my family. You called me your brother on too many occasions; even just 2 days before you left me, you called me your little brother. Have you any idea how good I felt at that time, at that moment? And then you d
You may never see what I'm writing here. You may never know how I'm doing. You may not give a DAMN about how I'm feeling after you left. I may not even exist for you anymore.
What kind of psychologist you are? You said you people start preparing the kids weeks before you leave them, slowly getting in their mind that you won't be there after some time. But what did you do to me? Oh so that was for kids only? Because they are not mentally mature? I thought you knew the pain of saying goodbye to someone you consider real close. You told me straight, without hesitation, that you won't be able to talk to me again. You thought that just because I didn't cry at that time, I will be fine. I wish you knew what's your decision is going to do with me, and what a mess I will be.
You know what's the funny part? Its 12:41am. You may be having a very calm sleep, and here I am, sitting with tearful eyes, all choked up.
Its the 3rd night. First night, I was too shocked and in denial. Last night, I broke down and fell on the floor, crying. No one was here to listen to my cries. No one was here to see me in tears. No one was here to stop my pain. I was alone. Alone. This night; just some minutes ago I again broke down. I saw your name at facebook and it had me in tears again. Why did you let me get attached to you if you were to push me away later? I want to text you that you broke me, tore me, but what if there is no response from you? I don't know if I will be able to handle that pain. You are going to stick to the schedule, and I...I don't know what I am going to do any more.
You had me believing that there is something as a true, pure relationship between two person, that you can't just cut someone out of your life in one day.. But you cut me out in just few minutes. You never asked me how I will feel about it. But again, my opinion didn't matter. I was never the top priority, I was just a so-called brother.
Sometimes people don't change, their priorities do and you just stop being as important.
You remember I had sent you a little box emoticon during the start of our chats? You had asked me what's it, and I told you that inside it is a piece of my heart. Well guess what, you broke it. You accepted it and you threw it away so recklessly that I can't even recognize it any more.
Were those words really that easy for you to get out of your mouth? "I won't be able to talk to you again."... And there I was standing, phone to my ears, shocked. That was it? You call someone brother and you throw them out of your life like this? Oh wait, I was a part of your being, wasn't I? Well look what you did with that part.
You will never realise what you have done. I will never be same again, ever.
After talking to you, I wanted to scream, I wanted to cry out loud. But instead I went to the roof to silently cry and let the tears fall. At that time I realised that its just a start. Only God knows how many more days I will have to hide my tears and how many more nights I will have to cry myself to sleep.
I don't know why my life has a habit of teaching me things it already taught. Isn't one time enough? isn't it fucking enough?
You ever wondered why I always saw you among my family in the dreams I had? It was because I considered you family, I considered you a part of myself, I considered you my sister.
I know I didn't say the things I could have said in our last conversation. There was no point in saying them, not what after you decided.
I am trying to be strong but I know I am breaking from the inside. Its like I am a piece of trash. Get me in your life, and when someone raise an objection, throw me out, simple as that, right?
She who called me her little brother, who said that I am a part of her identity, she cut me out.
And just like that, she threw me out of her life..
There is nothing more dreadful than the habit of doubt. Doubt separates people. It is a poison that disintegrate friendships and breaks up pleasant relations. It is a thorn that irritates and hurts; it is a sword that kills..
Erase my mind. Replace my heart.
Some nights I feel shattered inside, but I won't admit it. I know it hurts like hell but have to endure it. For the sake of the people around me, let pain consume me inside.