I was swaying when I let you in my life. Those early days of our friendship, someone very close to me left me faking death. At that time, I had almost lost hope, I had stopped believing that you can have someone you can share your feelings with. I was thinking that what's the use of getting closer to someone when they are going to leave you in the end anyway? After an incident, just after 1 and half week of our chatting, I tried to leave you, but you didn't let me. You said you have lost too many good people in your life and you don't want to lose anyone else. Those words stopped me and I reserved a very special place for you in my heart. It may be sounding too much philosophical but it's true. I made you a part of my life and I started considering you a part of my family. You called me your brother on too many occasions; even just 2 days before you left me, you called me your little brother. Have you any idea how good I felt at that time, at that moment? And then you did the same thing. You left me hanging there, without even a tiny bit of consideration that how I will do without you. You could have given me a week at least. I could have said those unsaid words, those untold stories that I haven't shared with you yet. Its like you gave me wings, and then told me its illegal to fly.

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